Import/Export Save files
A possibility that was implemented in version 1.3.0 of BrazSonic 20XX was Export/Import saves. This is because older versions have a limitation that prevents you from opening the save on another machine, due to the way it was programmed before. To get around this, this implementation allows you to use your saves on other computers […]
Controls details and setup
Here you can better understand how the game’s playable characters work in action Basic commands Specific commands Configuring game’s controls To configure the controls on the BrazSonic 20XX, on the main menu screen, go to Settings > Setup controls. You will soon be taken to a screen with 4 “BrazSonics” of different colors, each one […]
Update 1.3, so far so good!
Howdy BrazSonic fans, it’s my people, it’s been Carnaval, Lent, etc., now the year in Brazil begins! After all this time away, BrazSonic 20XX is back, and stronger than ever! I took advantage of these last few months to polish the code further, refactoring several things and implementing new things to make your life easier. […]
Version 1.3.0
Newer implementations Smaller fixes
2023 – Year of BrazSonic
I’m here to thank you for playing, criticizing, and supporting BrazSonic 20XX, a project that started in 2019 with a short demo, right during the pandemic, with just me as the project’s creator and programmer. The game was born as a reboot of the 2004 BrazSonic, which is already outdated today, and also a sequel […]
All I want for Xmas is yo… no just BrazSonic!
Howdy BrazSonic fans! Here I am again, after some time away, but you won’t be free from me! To end the year, I’m releasing update 1.2.3, which due to some issues like a sorta lack of creativity and free time, I wasn’t able to put into practice everything I wanted. As usual, there are fixes […]
Version 1.2.3
Bigger fixes Smaller Fixes Newer implementations
Version 1.2.2
Small fixes
Version 1.2.1
Small fixes