Hello fellas, looking forward for SAGE 2023?!
As I said on the last post, this Sonic Amateur Games Expo is going to be a top tier digital event for Sonic fangames and indie games, and a great oportunity to experience more trom this notorious scene.
For BrazSonic 20XX, I recently released a new footage, around 8min, showing even more: levels, characters and new game mode: Challenge Mode.
Important things to consider
This project release is very recent, and there are still some bugs and inconsistencies, which will be fixed in the later releases. Although, the game is still playable, without game-breaking flaws which I could fix on time these last months. Another important thing is about the Android version, which I had to delay due to Android particularities and the PC version reception.
The launch of the BrazSonic 20XX PC version (windows) is programmed to September, 1nd (Friday).
I wait you on SAGE 2023!