Version 1.1.2

Bugfixes – Critical

  • Multiplayer mode crashes
  • In Multiplayer character both players could select the same character, now it’s not possible anymore.
  • Sprite animations for every unlockable character
  • Spining tubes sometimes used to soft-lock the player
  • Load game slots with wrong percentages
  • Last extra used to be never unlocked

Bugfixes – smaller

  • Spring Bay: some scenery holes were filled
  • Pause screen: restart level option used to show “Restart level? you will lose one life”, even in mission and special stage mode
  • Some character animations fixes
  • Countryside hill: column wall-run animations fixed
  • Profitcher shop: when you buy an unlockable character, now it shows a message after leaving the shop

Implementations and improvements

  • Multiplayer: interface fix
  • Multiplayer: exclusive level layouts fix
  • Congress Calamity: now has those Sonic 2 Casino Night slot machines, with coins rewards
  • Carnival Joyride: new color scheme in Rival level
  • Windy plains: new color scheme
  • Extra levels: Mud Forest (Chaomega) with fixed layout and badniks