June-end major updates

follow link To close June with something new to show, there is a new build of the Demo of BrazSonic 20XX for download, with a new game mode, more accessibility, new stage songs, more bugfixes.


Buy Genuine Diazepam Here we have a great update for the DEMO of the BrazSonic 20XX, although it will also be available for the 20th. edition of https://www.mssbizsolutions.com/hk8x6p6ill2 SAGE (Sonic Amateur Game Expo), an international virtual fair of Sonic fan games that take place every year, and this time, BrazSonic will not be left out, as it is here to stay!


Buy Herbal Valium This build was one of the hardest ones because, in addition to fixing some bugs still present, I wanted to do something different from previous builds, that would not make this just another patch with some bugs fixed.

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https://riverhillcurrent.com/1ssl3nzjzv The new main addition here is Mission Mode, something that has existed since Sonic Adventure in official games, where there are different objectives besides reaching the end of the level. Each level has a specific mission, hunting for things (coins, enemies), delivering things (I’ll explain later), running away from things, and reaching the end in a different direction.


What we have so far of “missions”:

here This mode was to be completed only in the final version of the game, which will be ready later this year, but I decided to anticipate it.

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source We have an implementation of accessibility for mobile, where it will now be possible to configure the position and size of the buttons on the screen, something very present in mobile video game emulator applications.

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https://tudiabetesbajocontrol.com/relanzam/online-valium.php The project features original musical productions and remixed respectively by the great @sonico_cadeirante and @ SonicFã342


see url I also thank everyone from the Beta Testing channel on the project discord and a few outsiders for their patience and willingness to test game updates.


follow link Well, this build, with all these new implementations, is also the definitive one, as it will be released at SAGE 2020. And the next uploads will only be patches just to fix bugs.

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New implementations:

  • some music tracks by @sonico_cadeirante (original) and @SonicFã342 (remixed)
  • new flying animations for PeloTails
  • All characters are going to wear masks in the Delivery mission
  • now it is possible to press the jump button in the air to type: flying, homing attack, shield ability … this doesn’t have in the original Sonics, but I did it to give more reflex to the player (even though it’s kind of “overpower”)
  • Fire shield can burn the ground and hit opponents in multiplayer
  • Sparks from the lightning shield can hit enemies and opponents in multiplayer
  • Graffiti in the Sampa Zone
  • New billboards


  • Corrections to character animations
  • Elemental shields more faithful to the original Sonic games
  • Improved English and Spanish translations
  • the character before falls off platforms with the water shield and modern Sonic stomp
  • the character could move before the level started
  • corrections to the title cards of the phases
  • The time for dialogue with Mollynho
  • Improved Iguaçu rapids
  • Submerged currents from Iguaçu no longer lock the character when hit by spikes as before
  • pause during special stages

Let the full version of BraSonic 20XX come!

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