Post-SAGE, bugs & support Hello BrazSonic-fans, how’re going

go Well, source site SAGE 2023 was a historic edition, with hundreds of games for download, something that not even the event could fully cover in streaming. There were games of all possible types, fan games, mods, and even original indie games, which took the game creation scene to the next level.


get link Well, let’s get to the point here, the follow site BrazSonic 20XX was launched in time for SAGE, that is, it was a very turbulent launch, where although there was a lot of things ready, others I had to do in a hurry, from bug fixes to implementations of new things, in short, everything everywhere at the same time. Furthermore, my personal life had an influence on this, a heavy work climate hasn’t helped at all at the end of August. In September, I’m still traveling and I won’t be back until the end of the month, which means I’m away from the PC for a while. Regardless, I left all channels open to hear from everyone anything that needs to be heard: complaints, suggestions, etc., etc.

Cheap Generic Valium Online Surprisingly, especially on the Discord channel, there were many reports of major bugs that affected the gameplay as a whole, which left me quite scared, in fact. At these times we have to put our hand on our conscience and do our best to fix all this.

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Cheap Valium Uk click here However, due to the fact that I am away from the PC and the number of bugs that demand attention, I will release a new game update in October.

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follow site Meanwhile, there are some bugs that break the game’s progress, but which can be “worked around”, and I will update you every day on how to do this.

Buy Diazepam 10Mg Teva I apologize for all this confusion, and I thank everyone on Discord (in particular), Twitter, and YouTube for supporting me with these reports, really. follow As I said before, aside from BrazSonic 20XX now being a complete game now, it’s only the beginning, because we’re gonna still have new releases with bugfixes and new features.

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