Teaser: Mission Mode

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Buy Valium London There is good news for the next version of the DEMO of the BrazSonic 20XX. In addition to the bugfixes of some flaws that already existed and had been reported so far, now it will have Mission Mode.


https://everitte.org/4zqfzdet In this mode, the player will be able to play the game in a slightly different way from the conventional Story Mode, with different objectives instead of reaching the end of the stage as usual.

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Buy 1000 Valium Online In these “missions”, there will be different objectives for each phase:

  • Collecting all coins
  • Defeating all enemies
  • Racing against Metal BrazSonic
  • Going through hazardous situations: darkness or flood
  • Running away from something really dangerous, like a huge fire
  • Making food deliveries in the middle of COVID-19, this was the one that took the most work to do so far, even though the characters will all wear masks, as shown in the screenshots above!

https://www.parolacce.org/2024/09/18/hw9cb85 The idea of ​​this Mission Mode was inspired by Sonic 3D games, especially Sonic Adventure 2 with similar missions.


here For now, I have a few more things to fix to release this new and latest DEMO build from BrazSonic 20XX in the coming days.

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Buy Yellow Diazepam After that, I will give more priority to the full version of the game, and of course, I will not fail to post news such as screens, videos, and other information!

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