Wake me up, when September ends… already ended?

https://semnul.com/creative-mathematics/?p=5wd2zc7rs Greetings folks!

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see url Well, I had some important personal and work issues, health, which took up a lot of my time, I almost have no free time. If I could I would have finished this project much earlier, but it was unavoidable.

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follow site I apologize for not having had a lot of updates about the Buy Valium Cuba BrazSonic 20XX lately, but he is still alive, with a lot of news ahead.


go to site I’ve been working hard on the levels for the full version, which had changed in the levels list and some of them that I had to practically redo from scratch, to adapt to the new physics of the game (from the last DEMO).

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click Well, there’s the level list for the full game in advance:

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  1. Guarujá Zone
  2. São Paulo Zone
  3. Pelotas Zone (this one was renamed two times before)
  4. Iguaçu Zone
  5. Diamantina Zone
  6. Pernambuco Zone
  7. Belém Zone
  8. Ama Zone
  9. Pantanal Zone
  10. Brasília Zone

here Each zone will feature 2 bosses and 1-2 acts with level designs significantly inspired by classic Sonic games. As for the places in Brazil, from the zones above, I took the time to research a little more about them, about their culture, architecture, and a few more, so as not to get that very superficial thing, as the first game was (lol).

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https://www.fandangotrading.com/xcfvwm1 I was also happy with the repercussion of the BrazSonic 20XX demo at https://traffordhistory.org/lookingback/3i03wba SAGE (Sonic Amateur Game Expo), that international digital fair of Sonic fangames and indie games, which I talked about that in the previous post. Haven’t visited the SAGE website yet? check it out.

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source site Over the next few days, I’m going to release some more news about the project, such as the stories between the phases, something that is giving me a lot of work to do.

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https://trevabrandonscharf.com/y8of9bj6st Stay tuned!
