[STREAM]: Cogumelando beats BrazSonic 1 on Twitch (portuguese)

Buy Diazepam Online Legally Uk This time, another brazilian streamer Cogumelando went too far! He accepted the challenge to beat BrazSonic 1 and cast it on Twitch.io. It’s a nice video with gamer opinions, technical notices, some glitches and trial and error of course. Assista a #1214 Semana da Zoeira – Grandes Belezas para PC (Dia 4) | DAFM de […]

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[STREAM]: RK PLAY streams BrazSonic 1 full gameplay (portuguese)

Buy Diazepam England RK Play is a hard-working brazilian youtuber who accepted the task to stream playing from start to end BrazSonic 1. Get ready for a thrilling journey with a bunch of spoilers. His youtube channel is very cool, with many streamed gameplays of fangames, romhacks and much more. Highly recommended!


[STREAM]: Joeveno beats BrazSonic 1! (portuguese)

https://www.amyglaze.com/hy8wj0y There’s a nice BrazSonic 1 gameplay made by the brazilian youtuber Joeveno, which is worth watching, despite it’s in brazilian portuguese. On his channel, there’s a plenty of reviews and analysis of games of the past and present. His videos are quite long, but very interesting due of their interesting content and trivia! I just […]


BrazSonic 1: A Blast from the Past

Cheapest Place To Order Tramadol Online For who haven’t played BrazSonic 1, it is avaliable for download on this website. BrazSonic 1 was released on 2004 for Windows. BrazSonic, the “national hedgehog”, was developed in few months using Game Maker 5.3 on that time, a well used Windows gamedev tool with many possibilities. The 00s Sonic the Hedgehog online communities, such […]
