Old News: Pixel Show 2017

I know it’s “old news” but it’s always good to have some story to tell.

On december 2017, I have gone on a event called Pixel Show, which was a design/entertainment/technology themed exposition, based on São Paulo, Brazil.

In the event, the company booth that kept more of my attention was the Sebrae (Brazilian Service to Support Micro and Small Companies) with the initiative program “Arte Vale Arte”. There, any person, regardless art level, could place their art on gift products such as mugs, t-shirts, notepads and more. These arts could be traded by acquiring other art pieces made of other people. That’s a worthly idea for spend my freetime waiting for the lectures.

This was one of the main reasons for reviving BrazSonic 20XX. I made a little art on this t-shirt.


I hope the owner enjoyed this 😉