What are the game controls?

Movement: arrows
Jump: space
Shoot/boost (other characters): Ctrl/Shift
Pause: Enter

Bindable gamepad in PC and Android versions, with X-input (modern gamepads) and Direct Input (old gamepads).

How to bind gamepad buttons?

In the main options screen, go to settings -> configure controls. Then you will be taken to a new screen with “4 BrazSonics”. There, using the mouse cursor, you can configure up to 4 different gamepads and test them immediately.

How about the Mobile version controls?

In the Android version, you can toggle between the Touchscreen and Gamepad control modes. Regarding the gamepad, you can configure them like in the PC version, but it requires a properly connected Bluetooth gamepad on your device before running the game.

How about the English and Spanish translations?

These are already available in-game. They might still have some translation inconsistencies, which are going to be solved in bugfixes from future build releases.

When the final version of BrazSonic 20XX will be released?

For now, I estimate a little before or in the middle of 2020, if all goes well, of course!

Is BrazSonic 20XX a sequel from the original BrazSonic?

No, the BrazSonic universe is definitely reset.
After the BrazSonic 2 being canceled, everything that was supposed to happen, in the plot, after the BrazSonic 1 facts are not going to happen anymore. BrazSonic 20XX is a new beginning, a new generation.

There are some glitches in this DEMO, and now?

Even though I ran to make the game as “playable” as possible, there is always something that interferes with the player’s experience. This work is still a WIP (Work In Progress). I am aware of some bugs, which I am working to correct and also have those problems that have “workarounds” for now. This you can see below in “Support“.